Brutus: What are you watching?
Ramona: "Breaking Bad."
Brutus: Would you call me when it's over? I want to watch some of the game.
Ramona: Sure.
Ramona: I neglected to tell him I'm binge watching the entire series and I'm just on season one!
Retired Dude almost 10 years ago
I know tastes vary from person to person and lots of people like it but I just hated Breaking Bad from the get-go. I found nothing to like about the characters. But, hey, that’s just me.
JUSTLAUGHINGTODAY almost 10 years ago
I only saw the promos for it and didn’t like them. I can’t binge watch anything. After a couple episodes I’m so tired of seeing the characters I just have to watch something else. Why doesn’t she just take a break and let him watch the game? She can return to binge watching later.
zippykatz almost 10 years ago
Loved BB. Also Sons of Anarchy. Sad when they ended.
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
What a witch Mother Gargoyle is. When did she move in?