Jane's World by Paige Braddock for March 26, 2015

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    ForeverAllstar  almost 10 years ago


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    Observer fo Irony  almost 10 years ago

    What Chelle needs is a Jack instead of a Jill; then she will know what she is missing and go back to Jill.

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    SuicideShovel (84" stroker, 9:1 pistons)  almost 10 years ago

    Looks like she got out just in time. No one needs a partner who resorts to violence.

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    greenearthman  almost 10 years ago

    Used to hang at a lesbian bar in NOLA. There were girls there who wouldn’t hesitate to do what Jill just did! I would have stayed out of the place but figured even the badder girls wouldn’t assault a 6’ 2" 217 lb(zero fat) male. Of course they didn’t know what kind of stuff their femmy lil girlfriends and I were talking while they were in the “Ladies.” LOL!

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    Starman1948  almost 10 years ago

    Good afternoon Jane fans. Will Jane respond in like manner? Or will Skye attack Jill? Have a beautiful day my friends.

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    wesbucey  almost 10 years ago

    Fantasy land for sure. In what real world would folks worry more about relationships than survival on an island in hurricane alley?

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  7. Tdk man in chair
    klunker rider  almost 10 years ago

    Jill went to the Jeremy Clarkson School of Conflict Resolution

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  8. 130 charalphonse
    topbunk  almost 10 years ago

    Jane, how sensitive.

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