Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for March 23, 2015
Phoebe: There's a John Cage song that's just four and a half minutes of silence. Teacher: And? Phoebe: And, um I practiced that instead of my assignment. Teacher: How do you even know about that? Phoebe: My dad told me. Teacher: Why in heaven's name would he do that? Phoebe: I think he wanted to hear the T.V.
fuzzybritches almost 10 years ago
she was silent for 4.5 minutes?
SkyFisher almost 10 years ago
Oddly enough, that song is copyrighted, and he did in fact sue for infringement once.Successfully!
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I see.
3pibgorn9 almost 10 years ago
Smart papa. Sort of.
danasimpson creator almost 10 years ago
T minus one week to newspaper launch! At which point things will go back to a more standard format, but you’ll finally see some strips you haven’t seen before.
Stellagal almost 10 years ago
Silence for 4.5 minutes? He might have been able to hear a commercial. Way to deflect the blame on your dad, Phoe!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I messaged this to my old college band professor.