That coffee sure hits the spot, especially on a Monday! (Of course, today is Tuesday; just don’t tell Mona—you’ll spoil the mood.)
Is true. The smile suits her.
Same ole Mona. Y’all have an adventurous day my friends.
Failing to be yourself is the biggest failure of all.
November 06, 2015
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
That coffee sure hits the spot, especially on a Monday! (Of course, today is Tuesday; just don’t tell Mona—you’ll spoil the mood.)
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 10 years ago
Is true. The smile suits her.
Starman1948 almost 10 years ago
Same ole Mona. Y’all have an adventurous day my friends.
The missing M. Smokey almost 10 years ago
Failing to be yourself is the biggest failure of all.