Let’s see, in Westfinster there are two tattoo parlors (and have you noticed—every Heathcliff-centric store is a corner location): One (12/18/14) is “Jimmy’s Tattoos,” and the other (here) is “Jimmy’s Tattoo.” Hmmmmmmmm . . . maybe that should be a Jim Healy Show “riiiiiiiight!”
mdherring65 almost 10 years ago
You could have made it easier on the guy by getting “Dad”.
Catsrule Uberalles almost 10 years ago
Let’s see, in Westfinster there are two tattoo parlors (and have you noticed—every Heathcliff-centric store is a corner location): One (12/18/14) is “Jimmy’s Tattoos,” and the other (here) is “Jimmy’s Tattoo.” Hmmmmmmmm . . . maybe that should be a Jim Healy Show “riiiiiiiight!”
brklnbern almost 10 years ago
Next rap music ‘singer’.