Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for April 03, 2015
richard's poor almana. by richard thompson fun 'n' free in d.c. here are some fun & free things to do if you're really stuck for something to do. art "wandering bolus," a major work by american brutalist sculptor richard serra, will be unveiled as the newest addition to the hirshhorn sculpture garden. removed from its original site in manhattan after repeatedly breaking loose and rolling down 6th avenue, the multiton steel sphere is best viewed from a distance, if possible uphill. bad films in conjunction with the release of "battlefield earth," the (non-scientologist! really!) sci-fi debacle, the american film institute presents the alan smithee film-fest, a screening of 25 really egregious hollywood failures. "these films are so bad i'd almost call them 'movies,'" said afi publicist sara gaffer-mamoulian, who declined to provide a list of the movies to be featured for fear of discouraging attendance. georgetown jumping tour known for its quaint shops, narrow streets & exploding manholes, georgetown is also filled with many charming and historic houses, almost all of which lack obscuring window treatments, like curtains. on this self-guided tour, you'll glimpse interesting antiques & architecturally significant interiors just by jumping up and down! larger groups are en-couraged to form human pyramids. man: ooh. woman: hurry up.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
If I had too much time on my hands, I might think long and hard about doing some or all of these things, at once or maybe later on….
PoodleGroomer almost 10 years ago
Rental periscopes and selfie sticks are available from the guides.
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
Notice how there wasn’t enough room for the “C” of “Almanac” to fit to the left of the comic title? Cute! :-)