The Knight Life by Keith Knight for April 22, 2015
JUst got a message from a high to nix the words "climate change" in all trolling debates and casual conversation!! I think my party's got it all wrong!! we should be hyping climate change 24-7 and blaming its cause on OBama!! I never heard a thing about climate change when the last administration was in office...did you? KK: They were busy with a few other things!!
agrestic almost 10 years ago
Busy changing the security climate in a couple of regions, yes indeedy.
Randy B Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Kill the messenger!
steverinoCT almost 10 years ago
Is was the Previous Administration that introduced the phrase “Climate Change” as a euphemism in the first place, no?
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 10 years ago
That’s it! The old hardliners of the Democratic Party have been trying for 150 years to turn back the industrial revolution & restore a slave economy.
lindaf almost 10 years ago
Funny I thought the current owners of the GOP, the Koch bros, were the ones into a slave economy. You know like Indonesia—$.50 an hour wages, 14 hour days, unions illegal and nets on the tall buildings to stop the suicides from messing up the rich people’s sidewalks.