When visiting Estes Park, Colorado several times over the past 5 decades, we always made at least on visit to Sundeck Restaurant for fresh Rocky Mountain Trout! Although it has been several years since our last visit, what made the place unique was placing an order for trout. You could in the past, actually go outside to the stream behind the restaurant and select the trout of your choice…
tahoeh2o almost 10 years ago
How do you prepare the chicken?We tell them they’re gonna die…
cubswin2016 almost 10 years ago
It just goes to show how you can take some good things too far.
westny77 almost 10 years ago
Oh how cute the little chicken is looking at the menu.
Miba almost 10 years ago
At least he knows it’s fresh!
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
When visiting Estes Park, Colorado several times over the past 5 decades, we always made at least on visit to Sundeck Restaurant for fresh Rocky Mountain Trout! Although it has been several years since our last visit, what made the place unique was placing an order for trout. You could in the past, actually go outside to the stream behind the restaurant and select the trout of your choice…
BrookFan almost 10 years ago
Check out April 6th Free range Chickens.http://countylinecomic.blogspot.com/
boldyuma almost 10 years ago
josh_bisbee almost 10 years ago
Chicken:Heard the hamburger was really good here. Have that instead of the special.