Pickles by Brian Crane for May 13, 2015

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    puddymom  almost 10 years ago

    Peter Pan had the right idea.

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    Ironic Eggbeater  almost 10 years ago

    Or at least gain the ability to make weird noises.

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    ex window inspector  almost 10 years ago

    was it coming from the bathroom?

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    She Mc  almost 10 years ago

    Wolverines are not scary, ask the Fusco family!

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    dadoctah  almost 10 years ago

    I woke up one night some years ago to a strange creaking sound. Got up and tiptoed through every room in the house trying to find the source. (I had experienced plumbing leaks in the walls prior to this, so there was legitimate concern.).Couldn’t pin down so much as a direction it could be coming from..Finally figured out that the sound was coming from…my own belly. Tummy-rumbling had me hunting an imaginary burglar at 3am.

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  6. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  almost 10 years ago

    Just Muffins tail under grandma’s rock’in chair…

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    abbybookcase  almost 10 years ago

    getting old is not for sissies—bette davis.however, the ability to make cool, scary sounds might be fun

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    w16521  almost 10 years ago

    Opal is mean. If I were Earl I would divorce her.Besides, she probably makes more noises then him.

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    Number Three  almost 10 years ago

    I’m guessing Nelson is in no hurry to grow up too fast.

    Neither am I.


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