Jane's World by Paige Braddock for May 18, 2015

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    wesbucey  almost 10 years ago

    Any other readers out there get the feeling these past weeks have been an example of Paige starting and discarding different plot ideas? At least she isn’t endlessly typing out “REDRUM”

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    cindyorch  almost 10 years ago

    ….these are all reruns……where have you been???

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    greenearthman  almost 10 years ago

    Think she actually wrote a ms to all a wk or 2 ago, saying she was taking some time off. Have a great day everyone! Gardening etc for me. Upper 80s here in the sweet, sunny South.

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    Starman1948  almost 10 years ago

    Good morning Jane fans. It looks like the person in the chair will get free coffee. Have a carefree day my friends.

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