You don't seem to... How shall I put this... Have a grasp of how to make a donut... Don't sugarcoat it! Actually, that's part of the problem...
You hired him because he had that glazed look.
His t-shirt says “Donut Disturb Me”
Kudos to each of the commenters so far. Good stuff.
Poor guy,his eyes glazed over when he was fried !
That guy is so old fashioned!
Day by Dave
Dave Whamond
April 10, 2015
May 31, 2017
whiteheron almost 10 years ago
You hired him because he had that glazed look.
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 10 years ago
His t-shirt says “Donut Disturb Me”
blackman2732 almost 10 years ago
Kudos to each of the commenters so far. Good stuff.
What? Me worried ? almost 10 years ago
Poor guy,his eyes glazed over when he was fried !
hjkl; almost 10 years ago
That guy is so old fashioned!