Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for June 04, 2015

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    derdave969  over 9 years ago


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    loveabulldesign  over 9 years ago

    Pretty accurate, actually. PETA has publicly stated that they believe that they are against pit bulls. First person to agree with them gets a free punch in the face. PETA is for lunatics. Any good they do is outweighed by all of the harm they cause.

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    ladamson1918  over 9 years ago

    I don’t agree with PETA, but I don’t like pit bulls, either. They are the dog of choice of irresponsible dog owners.

    I’m not at all surprised that someone who calls himself “handsomebob” thinks threats of violence are a reasonable response to someone who disagrees with him.

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    UniqeUsername  over 9 years ago

    PETA has been known to steal people’s pets and kill them.

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    luvdafuneez  over 9 years ago

    Pit Bulls are truly a wonderful breed. My 80-pounder thought she was a Poodle. The smaller Staffordshire Bull Terrier (45lbs.) was a full-on comedian – I’ve had a lot of dogs and that one was the BEST. Both VERY lovable. :-)

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    abbybookcase  over 9 years ago

    pit bulls served bravely in war. they used to be family dogs, symbols of loyalty. unfortunately, they’ve gotten into the wrong hands and been trained in horrible ways. you would act just like the worst pit bull ever if you’d been trained like that.

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    wes tnt  over 9 years ago

    I love all our animals
..some go in the freezer, some sleep in our bed with us. Guess it all depends on how you define love; I love a great burger!

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    route66paul  over 9 years ago

    Go to the shelter in LA county. Since they don’t adopt out pit bulls, there are many black/white large terrier looking “german shepard mixes”, and even “chihuahua mixes”.When my nephew found a young pit bull, he tried to give him away, I congratulated him on being a pit bull owner. He did not want to be “one of those people”, but now, 8 years later, he admits that that clown pit bull is the best dog he has ever had.Petey was a pit bull, and Our Gang Comedy would have never been the same without him.

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    rush.diana  over 9 years ago

    I agree

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    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Bucky is confusing PETA hitmen with pygmy hitmen.

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    rgcviper  over 9 years ago

    Looks like Conley has a cafe, according to Rob’s shirt. I’d never known, so congrats, sir.

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    loveabulldesign  over 9 years ago

    @BuckyKatt999 @prfesser @Strod My comment was ironically intended, and as I assume you are not a cat (or even a Katt), nor the star of this comic strip, you should know better than to assume I am a man, just because my screen name is in reference to a character from a movie. This just proves the flawed nature of your incorrect assumptions, including those about breeds of dogs. Pit bulls are the dogs of choice for responsible owners who choose to accept the truth as proven by reality and experience, rather than the lies fed to them by society. The notion that pit bulls are only ‘bad’ dogs if people make them ‘bad’ is also false, as proven by the countless number of pit bulls found abused, tied up, starved, and mercilessly beaten or killed because they won’t become ‘mean.’ It is always the humans who are cruel, and they are cruel to all breeds of dogs and species of life equally. Their cruelty is born of ignorance, so concern yourself with education and the truth. When these same dogs are rescued, they have nothing but love for people, which proves that they are indeed tough—just not in the way that you think—they are resilient. I have three pit bulls, an undergraduate degree from a top tier school and an engineering degree from an Ivy. I rescue dogs, cats, rabbits, perform animal massage and build homes for those less fortunate. My three ‘pit bulls’ are all perfectly trained, friendly, social and rescued at various stages in their life, including one rescued as a senior. I’ve been waiting for a decade, but not one of them has ‘snapped’ and the oldest one’s teeth are getting pretty worn down, so he should hurry up. Tell me again how it’s all in how they’re raised? Tell me again how I’m an irresponsible owner? I’ve also published a book showcasing hundreds of responsible owners and their ‘pit bulls.’ I have met more pit bulls than you can possibly imagine, and not one of them has ever so much as curled a lip at a human being. You should probably also clarify to what dogs you are referring, as the only true Pit Bull is an American Pit Bull Terrier—all other dogs mistaken as “Pit Bulls” (capitalized as it refers to a breed, and not a class of dogs in this instance) are mutts, other bull and terrier mixes, boxer mixes, etc. And no earlier comments were removed, as I did not threaten violence, but only those with the capability of understanding irony grasped that fact.

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