Good morning Jane fans. I’ve never been in a Hooter’s that had this type of problem.-———My sons father in law just passed away. Prayers are appreciated. Thank you my friends.-———Be well my friends.
I dined at this Brazilian ranch-themed restaurant where all the wait-people were men. Very macho. It looked like it was staffed by off-duty cops, and they danced around the table with meat on skewers, at about $50 bucks a plate. No female wait-persons showed up until late with dessert.
wesbucey over 9 years ago
PLEASE, PLEASE don’t try to tell us all the Hooter girls are Lesbian, too! (Bi might be easier to accept.)
richardzimdars over 9 years ago
Hooters waitresses wear sneakers, not high heels. And they are the ones who bus tables, not the guys in the back. I used to work for a Hooters…
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
Good morning Jane fans. I’ve never been in a Hooter’s that had this type of problem.-———My sons father in law just passed away. Prayers are appreciated. Thank you my friends.-———Be well my friends.
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
@Cokiefan: Thank you my friend. Have a splendid day.
gileshead over 9 years ago
I dined at this Brazilian ranch-themed restaurant where all the wait-people were men. Very macho. It looked like it was staffed by off-duty cops, and they danced around the table with meat on skewers, at about $50 bucks a plate. No female wait-persons showed up until late with dessert.
klunker rider over 9 years ago
Are we going to see a flash-mob flashing?