Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for May 26, 2010

  1. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    He just wants to be in the know, Mum!

    G’Day, Jason, Usfellers, Joe and ALL the Meggsie fans!

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  2. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    Rum Balls. Oh, does that bring back memories for me Joe. I can actually smell them and go back many years if I close my eyes.

    I’m not much of a sweets fancier, but with rum balls, I could eat them until I was sick!

    I now have to travel all the way to the city to get them any more. And they don’t seem to have quite the same flavor as when I was younger.

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  3. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 14 years ago

    Whoever commented after my French-said comment, I was trying to say, “What are we going to do with you, John?” So I had to use Google Language Tools.

    O quĂȘ vamos fazer com vocĂȘ, JoĂŁo? (That’d be Portuguese.)

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  4. 9.  new avatar for  usfellers .
    usfellers  over 14 years ago

    G’day Jason, Joe, Dry, Barb, Lonewolf, Bjorn and all Meggsie’s mates.

    Arrrrggghh!! A pet hate of mine are instant ‘local knowledge’ experts. Dad: so glad Mum got your measure so early in the visit to Paris. She is sure to keep an eye on you; this is the second thing she has picked you up on in two days. Must say though, that I too, would have got the sharp edge of her tongue yesterday.

    Eat your hearts out mates, I had two rum balls last night while commenting on Meggsie. Delicious! Unfortunately, the firm that made them is closing down at the end of June.

    There were, of course, the two hoodlum bacteria who went to the Duodenum to start a rumble.

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  5. Satyr d
    ottod Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I always read the guidebooks after I’ve been there. That way I don’t obsess about seeing all the important stuff. I also miss a lot that way.

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  6. Foxhound1
    bald  over 14 years ago

    Joe-Allen “Joe” Doty:

    my mom sent me some rum balls when i was in the navy off the coast of vietnam in ‘68. it didn’t take long until the whole engineering crew i was in smelled them

    she actually sent enough for each of the 30 guys to have 2 apiece.

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  7. Missing large
    anorok2  over 14 years ago

    Never heard of a rumball. Anyone know a quick recipe for one?

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  8. 9.  new avatar for  usfellers .
    usfellers  over 14 years ago

    Frank Corona:* Can’t help with a recipe - as a cook I’d make a good postman - but the general idea is they (the ones I know) are made from crumbed chocolate cake with rum added to it. The mixture is then rolled into tight balls like a mudcake and just a bit bigger than a golf ball. The ones I had last night were coated with chocolate as well.

    Ok, ok, so the cordon bleu chefs out there are going to shoot me down over this but that is how we have made them at home. Maybe Ginger can check out an authentic recipe in Paris.

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  9. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  over 14 years ago

    One private had a solution to that problem, Joe. I read the following in Reader’s Digest: At Fort Sam Houston, I knew a private whose mother baked such delicious cookies that whenever he received a package from home, he drew a crowd and was left with precious few of the goodies himself. He was eventually reassigned, and one day I bumped into him and asked if the members of his new unit were equally fond of his mother’s cookies. “They’ve never tasted them,” he replied. He went on to explain that the first thing he did after his transfer was to write to his ten-year-old sister, asking her to send him a batch of her awful oatmeal cookies. Then he went around enthusiastically offering them to his fellow soldiers, who gagged on the first bite. “Ever since then,” he said cheerfully, “my packages from home haven’t attracted much attention.”

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  10. 9.  new avatar for  usfellers .
    usfellers  over 14 years ago

    Joe: Last time I went to the doctor was to have wax flushed from my ear. The doc took a whopping great syringe, filled it with cold water and blasted it into my left ear ‘ole. Boom, I went down like a limp rag and he had to put me on the patients’ bed for two hours. Haven’t been back to a doc since.

    Eh? Since when? It was in 1978.

    I forget his name but I certainly called him some of my own choosing that were not mistakes like your slip of the tongue.

    Right now I feel like having some rum balls without the cake ingredient but with a dash more rum to make up for its absence.

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  11. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Joe, ROFLMAO!!! Reminds of Lucy and the VitaMetaVegaMin episode! Though my ALL TIME FAVORITE “I Love Lucy” is the episode with Bill Holden. I still laugh so hard at that one that tears run down my face!

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  12. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Joe I guess we posted at the same time. I was referring to the rum cake joke you told! :-)

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