Woman: Barry, that's not a sandbar! Not a sandbar!
Relaxing has it’s ups and it’s downs, but for Barry it may also thrash and squirt.
Man the Harpoons!
Mr. (or Mz) whale, I think I would get into deeper water. Nobody like a beached whale on their beach.
orca snack
NOW they tell him!
August 21, 2015
mrslukeskywalker almost 15 years ago
Relaxing has it’s ups and it’s downs, but for Barry it may also thrash and squirt.
margueritem almost 15 years ago
Man the Harpoons!
linsonl almost 15 years ago
Mr. (or Mz) whale, I think I would get into deeper water. Nobody like a beached whale on their beach.
dfowensby almost 15 years ago
orca snack
poohbear8192 almost 15 years ago
NOW they tell him!