Savage Chickens by Doug Savage for September 21, 2015
September 18, 2015
September 22, 2015
Next on George Lucas's to-do list: replace all of chewbacca's growls with quips voiced by Stephen Fry.
Chewbacca: I dare say, I do have a bit of a penchant for separating people from their limbs.
And Hugh Laurie as Han Solo! Chewie: “I say, sir, you are surely not proposing to appear in public in THAT shirt?” Han: “Dash it, Chewie, this is a perfectly nice tunic!”
Chewbacca took the gig just for the money. He is dismayed that he is stereotyped this way. But it is what it is. The money has been good, and the groupies are nothing to be barked at. He was the leading light during his days as a theater major in college. Eugene O’Neill’s “Desire Among the Elms” was his favorite, although he had difficulty to resist sniffing and marking the trees.
Ida No over 9 years ago
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
John Falstaff over 9 years ago
And Hugh Laurie as Han Solo! Chewie: “I say, sir, you are surely not proposing to appear in public in THAT shirt?” Han: “Dash it, Chewie, this is a perfectly nice tunic!”
emptc12 over 9 years ago
Chewbacca took the gig just for the money. He is dismayed that he is stereotyped this way. But it is what it is. The money has been good, and the groupies are nothing to be barked at. He was the leading light during his days as a theater major in college. Eugene O’Neill’s “Desire Among the Elms” was his favorite, although he had difficulty to resist sniffing and marking the trees.
CalLadyQED over 9 years ago