Ah, but wait! There’s more! Irwin is not part of the pursuing horde!He must be too Pure of Heart, bless him!
Russell Meyers’ Animals are terrific. Great animation & expressions. It is about time for Broom Hilda to get a black cat side kick in the family.
A black cat with ability to cast spell aspersions!
See Broomie . After 1500 years you can still learn something new !
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Ah, but wait! There’s more! Irwin is not part of the pursuing horde!He must be too Pure of Heart, bless him!
Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 9 years ago
Russell Meyers’ Animals are terrific. Great animation & expressions. It is about time for Broom Hilda to get a black cat side kick in the family.
A black cat with ability to cast spell aspersions!
What? Me worried ? over 9 years ago
See Broomie . After 1500 years you can still learn something new !