Pineapple and fresh coconut are both wonderful. My dad used to avoid the hassle and used his power tools to open the hard shells. First the drill through the 3 eyes to drain the “milk” (yummy – my brothers and I fought over it) and then the table saw to cut the shell in half. For pineapple all you need is a corer. Cut off the top and bottom of the fruit, then run the corer right down the middle and you have a perfect tube of edible pineapple ready for slicing.
andrew5 about 9 years ago
Wrong on the pineapple. So wrong.
JanLC about 9 years ago
Pineapple and fresh coconut are both wonderful. My dad used to avoid the hassle and used his power tools to open the hard shells. First the drill through the 3 eyes to drain the “milk” (yummy – my brothers and I fought over it) and then the table saw to cut the shell in half. For pineapple all you need is a corer. Cut off the top and bottom of the fruit, then run the corer right down the middle and you have a perfect tube of edible pineapple ready for slicing.
hippogriff about 9 years ago
Most people don’t even understand the “hassle” because they never prepare them, but just open a can or bag.
jnik23260 about 9 years ago
elisem4 about 9 years ago
pina coladas and hummus, how hard is that?
hippogriff about 9 years ago
JanCinLVI take it that no one kid got very much. Ripe coconut “milk” is a laxative. Green is potable, in fact, is “fresh water” on many a coral atoll.