Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for August 13, 2015
Poncho: The retractable leash? You think a cat person like you can handle the retractable leash? Carmen: I know it's slipped out of my hand in the past, but I promise I'll hold on tight this time! Poncho: I don't trust you! There's something about you that makes you unable to properly hold on to a leash! Carmen: Hand cream! Poncho: What? What is it? Carmen: Nothing! I can do this! Let's keep going!
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
Early morning greetings to all East Coat readers.And late night greetings to all West Coast readers.-——-Carmen, place a jumbo band aid across Poncho’s mouth.-——-Have a prosperous day my friends.
atorvabruno over 9 years ago
Oh yes. I feel a snap!!! about to happen.
Stryk428 over 9 years ago
A rescue dog group I volunteered for is strongly against retractable leashes. It’s harder to control the dog because you can’t get a grip on the leash if necessary.
She Mc over 9 years ago
Scary, where will she “lose” him?
Diat60 over 9 years ago
We’re off on another adventure!
Ruth Craig Premium Member over 9 years ago
So, why does a dog, that runs freely through town on his own, suddenly need a leash and walkies?
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
@Stryk428’ MickMaus and WDemBlk: if the dog takes off running, when the end of the leash is reached the dog could injure its neck. Have an abundant day my friends.
daleandkristen over 9 years ago
Couldn’t she lose that ugly blouse and hold on to the leash instead? Oh dear….just realized what I wrote. Ah heck, let ’er rip.
Maizing over 9 years ago
I’ve never liked the idea of a retractable leash, but I could never put my finger on just why.
DennisinSeattle over 9 years ago
Poncho doesn’t like it because, in cartoon universe, a dropped leash retracts at high speed and makes him see stars. The subject has come up before in PC.