As I recall, my mother used to pay 60c for a bottle of heart medicine. At that time, when you went to the pharmacy, you reached for the coin purse.Then one reached for the bill fold.Then the check bookand now for the credit card!There was an Id cartoon several months back where Rodney asked the pharmacist when it would be ready:“Should be ready by the time you get back from the bank!”
Sherlock Watson over 9 years ago
A prescription for 2 dollars?! Are they in Wonderland?
whiteaj over 9 years ago
The two dollars was for the office visit… the Rx was probably going to cost him another two bits.
tuslog64 over 9 years ago
As I recall, my mother used to pay 60c for a bottle of heart medicine. At that time, when you went to the pharmacy, you reached for the coin purse.Then one reached for the bill fold.Then the check bookand now for the credit card!There was an Id cartoon several months back where Rodney asked the pharmacist when it would be ready:“Should be ready by the time you get back from the bank!”
Number Three over 9 years ago
Jeff will need to go to hospital.
To get his broken bones fixed.
Tin Can Twidget over 9 years ago
I can remember when you got your medication directly rom the doctor — no prescription involved.