Lisa Benson for July 25, 2015

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    ConserveGov  almost 9 years ago

    Why not mandate $50 an hour for a high school kid’s fast food, part-time job?And don’t tell me you can’t raise 4 kids on 8 dollars an hour.YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO!!!!!It’s entry level, non-skilled Part-Time work!Work hard and I guarantee you won’t make min wage for long. Or better yet, get a skill!And if you don’t have either or a spouse making a living…..DON’t HAVE 4 kids!!!

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    pjclark  almost 9 years ago

    Back last century my first job after I got out of the military paid a starting wage of $2.65 per hour. I thought that if I ever got to $5 per hour I would have it made. Know what I wasn’t any better off when I finally reached that than I was before, prices went up too.

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    kaffekup   almost 9 years ago

    That’s because your pay kept pace with inflation. That was the grand plan of Reaganomics, to keep wages flat. And it worked, pay really hasn’t risen for 35 years, except for the wealthy. That’s why it’s time to break that cycle and give people a real raise. I just disagree with limiting it to one industry. If you give real people a raise, it goes straight into the economy, creating more jobs, rather than into the Cayman Islands, generating nothing.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    The real problem is we have a country where the middle class is losing ground. Clearly this is not a good trend. When enough people become poor enough crime and corruption flourish and if it becomes bad enough you have a civil war, The goal of the government should be to grow the economy and ensure the middle class is doing OK. The minimum wage is a bit of a band aid. If the Congress would stop investigating Benghazi and Hillary’s e-mails and running for re-election, they could actually work on the important problems.

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    lonecat  almost 9 years ago

    I know people who make $15 a second, mostly pushing useless paper around and filling the air with inconsequential blather (lawyers, obviously, and people in finance). If we pay those empty suits all that money, why do we begrudge a living wage to people who actually work?

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    Dave Ferro  almost 9 years ago

    When I started working, the minimum wage was 3.25/ hour. I worked hard, got some education, and I ended up doing just fine, thank you. I’d be doing better if weenie liberals would quit “raising the floor” by increasing the minimum wage. I know you communist/socialists want everyone to get the same wage regardless of position, but life in these capitalist United States doesn’t work that way. In fact, it doesn’t work anywhere.

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    oneoldhat  almost 9 years ago

    dear gypsy if gov spending was great Greece would be heaven

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  8. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  almost 9 years ago

    Define an implicit ad hominem attack, DaBoogadie. (it’s a test for trolls)

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    ConserveGov  almost 9 years ago

    Fast food restaurants(smartly) are already working on automating service. They just turn around their employee’s order screen and let you push the item you want and then swipe your card. Same for drive-thru orders. That cuts almost half the workers.Not as personable as a human taking your order, but if the government is going to MANDATE a 40% raise in employee pay, well worth it. Customers want inexpensive food when they go to a fast-food joint.So now Lefties, you’ve given a few entry-level workers a big raise, but put the other half on unemployment.Good job!

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    oneoldhat  almost 9 years ago

    the original min wage set by fdr would be with inflation a little over $4

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    starcandles Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I saw that up in Seattle, those workers now getting $15 per hour are cutting back there hours so that they don’t lose their free-loader benefits! Now, they are rewarded for working less, making the same amount & not losing their foodstamps, HUD housing , WIC, etc.. I am laughing my tushie off! Seattle voters, how does it feel? You do know that the SEIU brought in all of those picketers to put up a show & the union employees automatically get raises too, according to their contracts! It was all about raising union wages. The only losers are small businesses who have to pay a hamburger flipper $15 per hour. Can we say robotics? Get rid of the labor cost & Obamacare mandates all in one shot! Oh, & Seattle voters-can your teenagers get summer jobs? Crickets, crickets.

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  12. Kovacs
    Rush Strong Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    “CG, name 10 animals. (its a test for Alzheimer’s)”OK, here goes: You’re Spot, you’re Fido, you’re Flopsy, you’re Friskie, you’re Phydeaux, you’re Duke, . . .

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    Tarredandfeathered  almost 9 years ago

    Sad but True: 90% of All New Restaurants close in the First Year.It’s a Tough Business with Tons of competition..Biggest reason, Historically? The Owners didn’t have enough Money in the bank BEFORE they opened and discovered that Startup Costs were Much Higher than they budgeted..

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    Mike Herman  almost 9 years ago

    Sha-zaam. Instant prosperity. Why doesn’t King Barry just decree a $100/hr national minimum wage and give us an economic paradise? Why is he being so stingy? C’mon, Barry, we want more.

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    josefw  almost 9 years ago

    Introducing the $25.00 Big Mac!

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    josefw  almost 9 years ago

    @OldCoal BTW: The $ goes before the number.Example $15.00 Not : 15$ And I disagree with you on all points.

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    Here is the one thing proponents of a massive increase to minimum wage run away from. Nobody argues that an increase to minimum wage will cause inflation. The money has to come from somewhere. So who does inflation hurt most? The rich? Nope. Middle class? Nope. The poor, the retired, and those living on a fixed income. Liberals claim they are all out to help the poor, yet many of the policies I see them champion will hurt the poor most of all.

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  18. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    When I got that $1/hour minimum wage flipping bugers after school while in high school, a new car cost $2,300 bucks. That same version of the car now costs $46,000! Tell me again how inflation hasn’t increased the cost of living? BTW; that “deluxe” buger, with fries, cost $0.35, and is now over five bucks.

    $15 per hour is a tad to high for a lot of the country, but $10.10 is not.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    No one is calling for a $50/hr minimum wage. Making up a falsehood about what someone is saying & then refuting it is the classic strawman.Your response to me was also one that completely avoided the question of what the effects of Seattle’s minimum wage would be and used an example that had zilch to do with what is going on there. I suppose I could have ignored your post. I figured your response wouldn’t be constructive or polite. But, since I have your attention, what do you think can be done to lower the birthrate among “people with no education, no spouse, etc” without punishing their already walking the earth children? Take away the safety net & what do you think what happens.Let me point out a quote to you from your example. When asked why she only works 20 or 27 hours a week, the woman replied:“They don’t let me get all my hours — one of my managers cuts back my hours and sends me home, and I only get three or four hours a day.”It took you two posts to start calling me stupid. How about sticking to the topic?

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    rallsolo  almost 9 years ago

    Also forgot automation as a solution for higher wages. How does that help the people trying to get in to the work force? Maybe the new Liberal motto should be “Help some and screw over the rest!”

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    Anthemgolfer  almost 9 years ago

    My first job paid $.25/ hour working in a wearhouse. I was happy to have a job.

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  22. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  almost 9 years ago

    Here is the “logic” you are using:

    Me: My uncle was almost President of the United States.You: Oh really? Wow. How?Me: He was captain of the PT108.

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