AND you have to be sure and tell the patient to remove the foil wrapping before insertion. You’d think that would be self-evident, but… seen it more than once…
A pleasant day to all my friends.-—————-*@Army_Nurse: And the parents before that give it to their child.-—————-The turtle is smarter than Frank AND Brandy.-—————-Be happy and healthy everyone.
Army_Nurse over 9 years ago
AND you have to be sure and tell the patient to remove the foil wrapping before insertion. You’d think that would be self-evident, but… seen it more than once…
Plods with ...™ over 9 years ago
Now THAT’S phunnie!..Both the toon and the comment.
redstart over 9 years ago
My Doctor gave me some of them once . . . for all the good they did I might as well have shoved them . . . . . .
route66paul over 9 years ago
Partially used taste worse
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
A pleasant day to all my friends.-—————-*@Army_Nurse: And the parents before that give it to their child.-—————-The turtle is smarter than Frank AND Brandy.-—————-Be happy and healthy everyone.
cameron_scarlett over 9 years ago
Well that probably explains why the nurse gave them to me with that bland old Kentucky jelly.