The Academia Waltz by Berkeley Breathed for November 20, 2017

  1. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  over 7 years ago

    1978© Sigh… Make America Great Again! Or maybe not…

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  2. Picture
    CharlesBarnard  about 7 years ago

    Part of greatness is being aware of your faults and places you need to improve.

    In 1900 most of what we call child abuse would not have drawn attention from the police…" family matters."

    The Kinsey’s found and documented huge abuses of power for sex.First, you have to admit the problems, then report them before you can eliminate the causes.

    Sociopathy and psychopathy are the causes…allowing victims of them to hold positions of authority without being held responsible is their method.

    Shining a light on all the hidden dark places is the best defense.

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