This reminds me of my teenage years when I would come home slightly under the weather and my parents were waiting up for me! I would sit in my car, looking at myself in the rearview mirror and rehearse trying to say “Hi Mom and Dad I’m bushed! Goodnight” When I was sure I was good to go, I would walk in the door and say" Hi Bom an Dab Ahm dusht…… and they said..“You’re drunk!”
jrbaskind Premium Member over 4 years ago
I think he already had too much bubbly.
joefearsnothing over 4 years ago
This reminds me of my teenage years when I would come home slightly under the weather and my parents were waiting up for me! I would sit in my car, looking at myself in the rearview mirror and rehearse trying to say “Hi Mom and Dad I’m bushed! Goodnight” When I was sure I was good to go, I would walk in the door and say" Hi Bom an Dab Ahm dusht…… and they said..“You’re drunk!”