I wasn’t in a fraternity in college and thus never went to a frat/toga party. Had friends who were members and did go to such things. While unopposed to a drink, and I do occasionally, I never understood drinking to the point of inebriation. I might have missed out on some “fun” but I don’t think I missed much.
Just-me over 2 years ago
I wasn’t in a fraternity in college and thus never went to a frat/toga party. Had friends who were members and did go to such things. While unopposed to a drink, and I do occasionally, I never understood drinking to the point of inebriation. I might have missed out on some “fun” but I don’t think I missed much.
Sillyfacetoo over 2 years ago
Surprised the run this leg of B.B.‘s cartoon these days, tho it still leaves me spitting pop all over my screen, I’m laughing so hard