I understand the need for and use of leash laws. However, it irks me to no end to see a dog tied to anything for more than a very few minutes. I see this quite a bit, the animal is tied to something, in the sun with no shade or water. It’s one thing to tie a dog to something while you drop a letter in the post office box, quite another for it to be left in the sun while going to class, etc. Do the animal a favor and leave it at home.
Just-me over 2 years ago
I understand the need for and use of leash laws. However, it irks me to no end to see a dog tied to anything for more than a very few minutes. I see this quite a bit, the animal is tied to something, in the sun with no shade or water. It’s one thing to tie a dog to something while you drop a letter in the post office box, quite another for it to be left in the sun while going to class, etc. Do the animal a favor and leave it at home.