Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for June 16, 2010

  1. But eo
    Rakkav  over 14 years ago

    @ Joe: If you mean ottod, he (or she) said ā€œGrandma lives at homeā€ - not ā€œGrandma lives in their home.ā€

    Small change, big difference.

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  2. Grumpy
    shmlss  over 14 years ago


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  3. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  over 14 years ago


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  4. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Grandma@home. Everyone using an ā€œ@homeā€ e-mail address actually lives in the same house! True! (Itā€™s a very big house.)

    Thereā€™s also been no indication that I can recall that Adam lives in California. Somebody suggested that a couple of days ago because Adamā€™s lifestyle and attitudes are somehow ā€œCalifornianā€ (why? - because he drinks a lot of coffee? because heā€™s computer-savvy? because heā€™s married to a blonde?), but wherever he lives gets snow in the winter, and heā€™s a devout hockey fan - specifically, he roots for the Jersey Devils. Iā€™ve always figured he lives back East somewhere, but heā€™s probably just in upstate Comicvaniaā€¦

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  5. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Love of soccer must be on one of those genes that skips generations.

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  6. Bambi by brunamf
    Jascat  over 14 years ago

    Soccer is so boringā€¦(yawn)

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  7. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member over 14 years ago

    You are not alone there, Doc!

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  8. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I once had a guy pretty much chew me out because I said I never read the Sports section in the paper. He told me I was deliberately shutting myself from a whole sphere of human experience, that I more or less had an obligation to keep up with how the local teams were doing, in the same way thereā€™s an obligation to keep informed about current events (some would argue that thatā€™s not an obligation, either). I was unconvinced. I probably should have asked him if he kept up with all the reviews of the Arts scene.

    Yeah, World Cup is a huge event globally, and it creeps into my consciousness without any particular effort or consent on my part, but I donā€™t mind. Iā€™m not offended when other people enjoy something that I donā€™t enjoy, or donā€™t enjoy things that I enjoy immensely. People who complain that they ā€œcanā€™t escapeā€ World Cup hype are whistling into the wind as much as those who complain that they ā€œcanā€™t escapeā€ Oscar hype when March rolls around.

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  9. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    If what youā€™ve posted is in error, Joe, whatā€™s wrong with correcting you? You have no qualms about correcting what you perceive as othersā€™ mistakes.

    And if you donā€™t want to be mocked, well, the remedy is entirely within your hands.

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  10. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    I love sports!!!!! I donā€™t think I am alone either.

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  11. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Joe, GET A LIFE! Stop being inane, judgmental, pompous, humorless, and pedantic.

    Actually, just stop being humorless. Being inane, judgmental, pompous, and pedantic wouldnā€™t be so bad if you were funny about it.

    (Intentionally funny, I mean.)

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  12. Picture 056
    AddADadaAdDad  over 14 years ago

    Nice try, fritzoid, but itā€™s falling on deaf ears. Iā€™ve tried too, but all I got was to fall below the Mendoza Line of ā€œJoeā€œā€˜s acceptance.

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  13. Missing large
    gocomicsmember  over 14 years ago

    Jascat says ā€œsoccer is so boring.ā€ IMO, American so-called football (so-called because they hardly use their feet on the ball at all) is the boring oneā€“half the time is in the huddle. And the two-minute warning means nothing useful in terms of actual time till the end of the game.

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  14. Easy boy 005
    sunnydog  over 14 years ago

    Go Team Go! Go! The Youth will lead the way but wonā€™t be as funny until the bickering starts in Red Marker Pencil Land. Think of the Nazis; Burn down the forum. I Cheer For the Underdog at all times;

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