I guess Jeri thought Teena was talking about her. Truth be told Teena probably was.
Jeri really wouldn’t hit Teena. It’s all part of the “Preteened” skit!
Mmm…3 dream panels & 1 reality panel; I think Jerry did hit Teena… for Real!
Time to move on!
allen@home over 5 years ago
I guess Jeri thought Teena was talking about her. Truth be told Teena probably was.
dwane.scoty1 over 5 years ago
Jeri really wouldn’t hit Teena. It’s all part of the “Preteened” skit!
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 5 years ago
Mmm…3 dream panels & 1 reality panel; I think Jerry did hit Teena… for Real!
Stevefk over 5 years ago
Time to move on!