PreTeena by Allison Barrows for September 19, 2020

  1. Bugs
    Grumpy Old Guy  over 4 years ago

    The yellow dishwashing gloves don’t really well it either…..

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  2. Img 3235
    dwane.scoty1  over 4 years ago

    Those two look more like Melvin & Gesela anyway!

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    sallyseckman  over 4 years ago

    They may have predicted alternative name spellings.

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  4. Capture  2017 12 17 08 45 35 2
    Nyckname  over 4 years ago

    Yeah, James T. Kirk is sooo weird.

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  5. Comics 2022
    Skeptical Meg  over 4 years ago

    I like listening to old radio shows. On Gunsmoke (set in the 1880’s) lots of the “cameo” characters have names you’d never hear today.

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  6. Unnamed  1
    Doctor Toon  over 4 years ago

    I read lots of both fantasy and science fiction books

    It is true that a wizard named Bob would be less mystical and an alien named Dave less exotic

    However, some names that authors have used trip up my brain reading them

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  7. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  over 4 years ago

    My first name is William. I use my middle name because every Tom, Dick, and Harry is called “Bill”…

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  8. Missing large
    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Remember Race Banyon, from “Jonny Quest?” Loses his credibility when you realize “Race” is short for “Horace.”

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