Red and Rover by Brian Basset for August 14, 2015
Smack Any nibbles? Just from mosquitoes. Put bug spray on. That stuff stinks. And if it smells bad, then I'll smell bad, and mom will make me take a bath. And that's not good? Noooooo. I'll be an adolescent soon enough, at which time I won't have a choice as to whether I need a bath or not. Smack
Catfeet Premium Member over 9 years ago
Between the bath toys and bubble bath, I’m in!
tom over 9 years ago
The neighbor boy didn’t like baths. I never understood that.
puggles over 9 years ago
When I was young our streets were covered with tar. I used to walk around barefoot unless I had to go away with my parents. Of course, I had a thick black coating on the bottom of my feet every day. My Mom had a hard time getting me in the bathtub to clean off. I figured if my feet were just going to get tar-covered again the next day, what was the point? Mom said the point was that she preferred her sheets to stay white.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Red is so deluded! Haha!!
assrdood over 9 years ago
As I remember, baths always interrupted the more important things – like whatever else I was doing at the time. Then, I couldn’t resume that activity afterwards ’cause I might get dirty again.
mymontana over 9 years ago
How would we classify Martin regarding this subject?