Amusing how often the Fred clan seem to find themselves doing things which tie in with national events.. Reflected Glory, if you will (not that there is much of that to be had in this one!!)
Prof’s hubbieThank you. I defend my spending time here on the basis of the exchange of information. You just gave me documentation on both cricket and my defense of time spent.
Prof’s hubbieI think everyone knows the story of the two skunks, In and Out, so I won’t repeat it.
I have worked hard enough to get role-playing game rules logical enough to be playable for a beginner, without getting into team athletics. I prefer my sports individual, me against the world: camping, backpacking, kayaking (including surfing in them), etc. But with a background in municipal recreation, I have an intellectual interest team sports as well.
annette143NotMe over 9 years ago
do I see compassion in Fred’s eyes? give him a good greeting he looks a bit down in the mouth. Dogs have a way of lifting one’s spirits.
Firedog10 over 9 years ago
Amusing how often the Fred clan seem to find themselves doing things which tie in with national events.. Reflected Glory, if you will (not that there is much of that to be had in this one!!)
juicebruce over 9 years ago
Fred you must cheer up your master. :-}
hippogriff over 9 years ago
Prof’s hubbieThank you. I defend my spending time here on the basis of the exchange of information. You just gave me documentation on both cricket and my defense of time spent.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
I don’t understand the game…
AnonaMoaner over 9 years ago
Now, now, Prof’s hubbie – don’t tease them!
That just wouldn’t be cricket.
hippogriff over 9 years ago
Prof’s hubbieI think everyone knows the story of the two skunks, In and Out, so I won’t repeat it.
I have worked hard enough to get role-playing game rules logical enough to be playable for a beginner, without getting into team athletics. I prefer my sports individual, me against the world: camping, backpacking, kayaking (including surfing in them), etc. But with a background in municipal recreation, I have an intellectual interest team sports as well.