Lola by Todd Clark for September 03, 2015

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    The Goon Show Premium Member over 9 years ago

    If he has “super smelling” he could find one that isn’t so nasty.

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    rshive  over 9 years ago

    Kind of takes away the possibilitly of sneaking up on someone. Not to mention the danger to his secret identity.

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    Bob.  over 9 years ago

    They put out the Porta Johns for Mardi Gras parades. On fat Tuesday they get pretty nasty by the time the night parades roll

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    K M  over 9 years ago

    One of my favorite movie gags of all time came from the 1978 version of “Superman.” Christopher Reeve as Superman hears the cry for help, runs up to a phone booth — and finds it’s one of those newer (for 1978, mind you, before cell phones) open air phone booths with no enclosure. While the audience is laughing at the obvious but great joke, Kent runs into the revolving door of a nearby hotel, spins it up to about 150 RPM, and comes out as Superman. A pimp standing nearby sees the threads and calls out, “Hey, Jim!” SM looks at him, says, “Excuse me,” and flies off to the rescue.The campus newspaper where I went to grad school used to devote column 1 on the front page to news mcnuggets (sorta like USA Today does all over the paper these days). One such mcnugget was headlined “S and M.” Seems someone had gone to the movie theater uptown where “Superman” was playing and stolen the letters S and M from the marquee.

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