Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 20, 2015

  1. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 9 years ago

    Does that mean there are post offices in Oklahoma that are more than 90 miles apart?

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    kjkjwefgergeg henriksen  over 9 years ago

    didn’t i see the red star on russian tanks in ww2?

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    therese_callahan2002  over 9 years ago

    Bobby Boris Pickett would have loved this music festival.

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  4. Air margaritaville
    ZorkArg  over 9 years ago

    Yep, ‘ol Rowland (the) Hussey musta’ been a commie….Rowland… kinda reminds me of Howland Owl, of Pogo. Good ol’ Southern names – ’cain’t beat ’em! The South shall rise again… .(maybe on the tide of the massive tsunami expected from the earthquake zone off the Azores…)

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    Old Texan75  over 9 years ago

    ZorkArg, I miss Pogo and the gang. Did you know Walt Kelly making fun of Senator McCarthy began the return of reason to America (well, somewhat as so much damage had been done with his House Committee of Un-American activities that it is with us today.) What was the Senator’s name in Pogo? Thrushbottom? I’m not sure.I had a friend in the 1960s who delivered mail from the main post office to the rural carriers in four Texas counties. I wonder what his miles driven were. In those days a rural carrier in our county kept a 1929 Model A Ford at a rural garage to drive his route during bad weather. The roads were not paved and got very muddy or slick with ice and snow. We knew nothing of 4 wheel drive in those days, but with the Model A or Model T Ford it wasn’t needed.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 9 years ago

    the mail must get through

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    zeondekilowatt  over 9 years ago

    Macy established his first store in 1843. Just minuets later Russian communists announced “Capitalist pig! How dare you use the sacred symbol of our glorious movement?!”A better question; what inspired Macy to tattoo his arm in the first place?

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    Triviaguy  over 9 years ago

    The red star, which hearkened back to his days as a sailor, was a symbol of success to R.H. Macy which is why he chose it for his stores after several of his previous ventures failed.

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  9. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  over 9 years ago

    My dad worked for Texaco

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