Conservatives are for less, less, LESS government, except for people I don’t like, like feminists – excuse me, feminazis, two guys who want to marry each other, dark-skinned people who talk funny languages among themselves and anyone who doesn’t pray real loud to Jee-sus.
I really would rather know more about the hole in the door than pathetic attempts at political humor. Will Rogers and/or Mark Twain it aint, and it doesn’t age well, neither.
Reppr Premium Member over 9 years ago
I could use one of those!
juicebruce over 9 years ago
Looks like Rob is a Notre Dame fan. Notice the shamrock on the hat .
Angelilly over 9 years ago
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
ladamson1918 over 9 years ago
Neither does Ann Coulter.
Guinastasia over 9 years ago
Does anyone actually take Ann Coulter seriously? Other than those morons over at Free Republic, that is.
Al Nala over 9 years ago
Don’t forget sexist, everythringphobic, and we need more, More, MORE government.
abbybookcase over 9 years ago
a decoder ring is still not enough to explain conservative madness
pauljmsn over 9 years ago
Conservatives are for less, less, LESS government, except for people I don’t like, like feminists – excuse me, feminazis, two guys who want to marry each other, dark-skinned people who talk funny languages among themselves and anyone who doesn’t pray real loud to Jee-sus.
rgcviper over 9 years ago
Ha—classic Bucky.
Literally … since this strip is from 2009.
Better than nothing, but I miss new material here.
Darryl Heine over 9 years ago
Fifth time for a Sunday Get Fuzzy rerun this 2015 year, I hope in a month or two Mr. Conley announces the strip ends for good.
bgerard over 9 years ago
To understand conservatives just pretend you are talking to a 6-year old. Same mental level.
Collo Rosso over 9 years ago
Hey, Bucky. I want one of those rings!
jimboylan over 6 years ago
Now every other Sunday is also a rerun?
TerryTaylor about 4 years ago
I really would rather know more about the hole in the door than pathetic attempts at political humor. Will Rogers and/or Mark Twain it aint, and it doesn’t age well, neither.
WentHulk over 2 years ago
No he doesn’t understand anything.