Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for August 26, 2015

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    Joseph Houk  over 9 years ago

    I dunno, McNamara’s Band is a good start… Maybe something simpler, like “The Fumblemouths”?

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    “Oh, me name is McNamara, I’m the leader of the bandAlthough we’re few in numbers, we’re the finest in the landWe play at wakes and weddings and at every fancy ballAnd when we play the funerals, we play the March from Saul

    Oh, the drums go bang and the cymbals clang and the horns they blaze awayMcCarthy pumps the old bassoon while I the pipes do playAnd Henessee Tennessee tootles the flute and the music is somethin’ grandA credit to old Ireland is MacNamara’s band."It had to be said.

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    Godfreydaniel  over 9 years ago

    Naw, he probably uses Hinds Sight is Twenty Twenty……..

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    Tarredandfeathered  over 9 years ago

    How many checked Wikipedia and learned that McNamera’s Band was a Real Band from Ireland?.Oh, and they posted the Original Lyrics, too:From Wikipedia.There are several versions of the lyrics, mostly with errors. The actual words (and spellings, caps and punctuation) were originally as follows. .My name is McNamara, I’m the Leader of the Band,And tho’ we’re small in number we’re the best in all the land.Oh! I am the Conductor, and we often have to playWith all the best musicianers you hear about to-day.. (Chorus). When the drums go bang, the cymbals clang, the horns will blaze away, MacCarthy puffs the ould bassoon while Doyle the pipes will play; Oh! Hennessy Tennessy tootles the flute, my word ‘tis something grand, Oh! a credit to Ould Ireland, boys, is McNamara’s Band!.Whenever an election’s on, we play on either side-The way we play our fine ould airs fills Irish hearts with pride.Oh! if poor Tom Moore was living now, he’d make yez understandThat none could do him justice like ould McNamara’s Band.. (Chorus).We play at wakes and weddings, and at every county ball,And at any great man’s funeral we play the “Dead March in Saul,”When the Prince of Wales to Ireland came, he shook me by the hand,And said he’d never heard the like of “McNamara’s Band.”

    ….Newer Version with verses added Later:.Oh!, me name is McNamara, I’m the Leader of the Band,And tho’ we’re few in numbers we’re the finest in the land.We play at wakes and weddings, and at every fancy ball,And when we play at funerals we play the march from Saul.. (Chorus). Oh! the drums go bang, and the cymbals clang, and the horns they blaze away, McCarthy pumps the old bazoon while I the pipes do play; And, Hennessey Tennessey tootles the flute, and the music ‘tis somethin’ grand, A credit to old Ireland is McNamara’s Band!.Right now we are rehearsin’ for a very swell affair,The annual celebration, all the gentry will be there.When General Grant to Ireland came, he took me by the hand,Says he, “I never saw the likes of McNamara’s Band.”. (Chorus).Oh me name is Uncle Yulius and from Sweden I have come,To play with McNamara’s Band and beat the big bass drum,And when I march along the street the ladies think I’m grand,They shout “There’s Uncle Yulius playing with an Irish band”.. (no chorus here).Oh! I wear a bunch of shamrocks and a uniform of green,And I am the funniest looking Swede that you have ever seen.There’s O’Briens and Ryans and Sheehans and Meehans, they come from Ireland,But by Yimminy I’m the only Swede in McNamara’s Band..The English Premier League football team Tottenham Hotspur F.C. adopted the song as their club anthem, with one verse changed:.Oh the whistle blows the cockerel crows, and now we’re in the game,It’s up to you, you Lilywhites, to play the Tottenham way.Oh there’s many a team from many a town and some are great and small,But the famous Tottenham Hotspur are the greatest of them all..

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I have a CD of Irish songs and that’s one of them.

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    edward thomas  over 9 years ago

    I had a laugh at work that a co-worker parodied as “Hoo Hoo Hoo!” When we started our fantasy league, I went with The Chattanooga HooHoos.

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