Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for August 23, 2015
TNT: Rip, do you really think you can disguise yourself as a pirate? Rip Haywire: Sure! Just a little filth and a borrowed patch. All I have to worry about is pinkeye! TNT: What, you think Cobra won't recognize you? That's bonkos? Rip Haywire: She thinks I'm dead! Plus, she'll be so crazy over the treasure hunt, she won't even look at me! TNT: Well, brainiac, you've forgotten one big thing. ME! Rip Haywire: Yeah, hmmm- TNT: No sharks better think I'm chum! Rip Haywire: You don't smell that bad, TNT. TNT: Your disguise better work, Rip! If Cobra sees through our plan, we're tiger chunks! Rip Haywire: Stop worrying, TNT! This is a classic ruse! Um-arrr, swab, uh-hoist the poop deck. Cobra Carson: You sound familiar-have we met? Rip Haywire: Not unless you've been hospitalized with scurvy for the past eight years. My gall bladder still hurts! Cobra Carson: All right, let's find my pirate treasure. The map says to follow the North Star until morning. Rip Haywire: Arr! I knew I shoulda brought that night sky app!
Chithing over 9 years ago
Is that the second star to the right?
arcgap over 9 years ago
it’s a free app though
Badeyes over 9 years ago
hm would take a lotta dirt to hide that chin