Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for September 30, 2015
richard's poor almanac by richard thompson cootiecatcher fantod little debbie sciatica the rake slappy ptul nanopooch the teacup dog barrista the coffee bearer big debbie bub popup win cash fall skywatch the fall sky is a vast wasteland of mediocre con-stellations & disconnected stars. dominating the sky is sciatica the rake, which hangs overhead til you could just scream. the harvest moon rises september 28, then sets almost imediately because of lack of interest. and in early october, jupiter sneaks up on saturn, steal two of his moons (zeppo & shemp) and disappears in the direction of tijuana. and, most disconcertingly, the gollumy visage of angelos the sourpuss is intermittently visible in the northeast sky, usually around twinight.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Not quite the astronomy I learned as a kid, but it does explain things….
WaltWenger Premium Member over 9 years ago
You can’t kid me. Ptui is in northeastern Slovenia — I’ve been there! — and Angelos the Sourpuss is for some unaccountable reason only visible through the bedroom window.