Heathcliff by Peter Gallagher for September 17, 2015

  1. Missing large
    SHAKENDOWN  over 9 years ago

    And prison terms too long.

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  2. Gothic hand
    erin.adamic Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I don’t get it. Why is Heathcliff in jail? Oh wait, he’s on the porch. Why is he in two places at once? Does he have a criminal brother?

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  3. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 9 years ago

    And for all those years of reading this comic and watching the two TV series (Heathcliff & Marmaduke, Heathcliff & the Catillac Cats), it was never mentioned what he went to prison for.

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  4. Jolie album
    brklnbern  over 9 years ago

    And that is surprising?

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