Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for September 28, 2015
Poncho: They say if you let an infinite number of cats walk on an infinite number of keyboards, they will eventually type all the great works of Shakespeare. Cat: Chazz Plamer bank account. Please enter password: ************* Password accepted. Poncho: I'll take it.
Stryk428 over 9 years ago
Passwords should be a mix of upper and lower case, numbers, and special characters that a cat shouldn’t be able to get.
DennisinSeattle over 9 years ago
Infinite, remember. So these challenges only delay the outcome.
Meanwhile, how is Boomer keeping his cool with this cat parading in front of him?
juicebruce over 9 years ago
Is this the start of a new story arc ?………here we go again !…..Makes you feel bad for Chazz Palmer :-(
She Mc over 9 years ago
Take what, the kitty or the lap-top!!!
gzitver over 9 years ago
When I was growing up, it was monkeys and typewriters. Dogs today…
Perkycat over 9 years ago
Much better than all the great works of Shakespeare.
gzitver over 9 years ago
“To be or not to be. That is the questiof.”
crazeekatlady over 9 years ago
so that’s where all my money is going!
route66paul over 9 years ago
It was monkeys and pianos
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
Sunny afternoon y’all.-——-The cat is much smarter than Poncho.-———Y’all have a rewarding day.