La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 18, 2015

  1. Qc1
    agrestic  over 9 years ago

    Heh. Piñata for President! (Of course, a lot of folks are already using the current president that way, so there would be some continuity here.)

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  2. Qc1
    agrestic  over 9 years ago

    Heck, they’re generally pretty angry at the current neolib in the White House.

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    shnathe  over 9 years ago

    Hmmm, wonder what kind of candy he’s filled with… probably some old Milk Duds and Popycock.

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    SuicideShovel (84" stroker, 9:1 pistons)  over 9 years ago

    Every President, Repocrat or Demopublican is/has been /will be a Neoliberal. Readers not familiar with the term should educate themselves.

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    zippykatz  over 9 years ago

    Too much resemblance to a lynch mob.

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    kaffekup   over 9 years ago

    @agresticI’m sure they feel having to pay any tax is just like a lynching. That’s why they’re so good at avoiding it.

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