Monty by Jim Meddick for October 02, 2015
Hey... What the?... My brand-new cuckoo clock excavation point and the cuckoo's not coming out! kookoo kookoo Y'know... I think I saw this once in an old Tom & Jerry cartoon... But I bet they didn't show the emergency visit to the vet... Not as funny. And hopefully this has no bearing on his condition, but he's almost two minutes slow.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Thank you, Fleshy, for rescuing us from the Gill Woman!Sorry about the cuckoo, but that’s how it goes (or doesn’t go)….
ZorkArg over 9 years ago
Who’s the babe?
ZorkArg over 9 years ago
Who’s the babe?
steverinoCT over 9 years ago
I had my original two cats trained to leave the cuckoo clock alone… the new kitten learned on his own: I came home to find it on the floor with the chains in pieces. It took a couple hours with needle-nosed pliers to rejoin them and feed them through the mechanism. But after that, he didn’t go near it!
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
A sunny day to all those who need it and a rainy day to those who need it.-——————-Flashy strikes again!-——————-Be healthy, wealthy and wise everyone.
Raymond Powell over 9 years ago
When did Fleshy come back from his time traveling?
Kirbo over 3 years ago
So basically Tom likes Jerry and has no intent on harming him, right?
But to hold his place in the house, he has to try to eliminate Jerry.
But Jerry sometimes acknowledges this, as he sometimes hurts Tom as a result.
But then Tom actually wants food, so he has to hurt something else.
Which triggers Jerry, making him mad.
And then Jerry kinda implements the bulldog as a weapon and trap, stopping Tom in his tracks.
And then, in the meanwhile, they both got their own lives, as Jerry has to protect the baby mice, while Tom has to fend for his life from the Cat mafia, although to maintain mutual respect from them, he has to show his ferocity.