Like the host city that puts pretty wallpaper over the outside of derelict buildings.What our politicians used to say about appearance being the most important.They just cleaned up their yard then hung a basket as the coup de grace.Mocking giant operations that cost billions with a small backyard version.That is sarcasm.
HonoBear over 9 years ago
NoCents over 9 years ago
Text them – don’t bother giving them a ring.
Rwill over 9 years ago
I don’t know, it’s pretty expensive to host the games. Not so much building the sites and logistics of it, but the bribes to the IOC are killers.
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Come again? I’m afraid I’ve not the slightest idea what the man’s talking about.
sdjamieson Premium Member over 9 years ago
kernelcorny Premium Member over 9 years ago
Like the host city that puts pretty wallpaper over the outside of derelict buildings.What our politicians used to say about appearance being the most important.They just cleaned up their yard then hung a basket as the coup de grace.Mocking giant operations that cost billions with a small backyard version.That is sarcasm.