Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North for February 08, 2016

  1. Idano
    Ida No  about 9 years ago

    More as in larger lips per lady. Quantity fails in the grasp of acreage.

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  2. 1a2a58cf8c700bd17645cd6b837c57be 1
    ryanqnorth Premium Member about 9 years ago

    there is some debate over the spelling of ‘zach morris’ in yesterday’s comic. some say it should be spelt ‘zack’, while others maintain bad spelling is a proud tagging tradition! if you’re reading through the comics backwards, then dude! guess what! zach morris is in the next comic!

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  3. My personal icon
    cocavan11  about 9 years ago

    Today’s strip is a great example of both the quirkiness and particularity of English diction. Like our nutty great aunt whom we proudly display in the parlor for one and all to meet rather than relegate her to the attic, we must display and assiduously adhere to English’s idiosyncrasies. It would be nice to see how T Rex would deal with homographs and homophones.

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    ladamson1918  about 9 years ago

    On a related note, it’s “different from,” not “different than,” because “than” is used for comparison (“John is taller than Bill”) and “different” is about contrast (“black is different from green”).

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