Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 01, 2015
Instructor: How's your drawing progressing, Lin? Lin: I think I'm getting there, comrade instructor. Instructor: You are indeed! What a remarkably controlled rendering. Your modulations fairly ripple across the page! Your appreciation of anatomy is flawless, even your thumbnail sketches at the top reveal a mastery of figure drawing. In fact, I think you're ready to start drawing tractors. Lin: Oh, no, comrade. I am not worthy!
BE THIS GUY over 9 years ago
Who knows, maybe even bulldozers!
m98115 over 9 years ago
Satire against totalitarian regimes is a very good thing.
Kip W over 9 years ago
How fortunate these reprints are for guys who weren’t old enough to criticize Trudeau back in the day. They can role play as crabby old reactionaries seeing their lifestyle flash before their eyes. Maybe this time they can stop society from changing out of the imaginary golden age somewhere south of the 60s.
marshalldoc over 9 years ago
‘Vietnamese Communist holocaust’??? Was that meant as satire? It was an American-made holocaust in which the U.S. murdered up to 3 million Vietnamese in a vain attempt to insure a western-dominated foothold in S.E. Asia justified as the ever-present ‘Communist threat’ (read racist ‘yellow hoards’). America is in a major historical revision trend to rewrite U.S. history and erase our real past to preserve our sense of ‘exceptionalism’. Please, get real.
Get fuzzy 4527 over 9 years ago
The victors write the history, the losers live it!
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
Specifically, I believe this strip takes place in Shanghai.