Scenes from a Multiverse by Jon Rosenberg for October 02, 2015
Clerk: I can give you forty dollars for the stack. Customer: Forty dollars! You see this? This is Advanced Sciencemastering for Sciencemasters by Sciencemaster Lew Van Deferens. First Edition. This book alone cost me two hundred dollars. Clerk: You're welcome to try your luck at the off-campus bookstore. Customer: I have half a mind to do just that. Where is this store? Clerk: Two miles up the slope of Antagonistic Radioactive Space Bears. Customer: It's uphill?
jon creator over 9 years ago
Today’s alt text: “other known slopes: slope of permanent buzz harshing, slope of increasing slope, slope of razorcoffee beans”
emptc12 over 9 years ago
I have almost all of my old textbooks. They’re not for technical courses and therefore not out of date. Some of those were used books, and they found a permanent home on my shelves, like abandoned pets in a shelter. I treasure them all, even the one I carelessly bought that was almost entirely highlighted with yellow marker. As for the very few that I did sell, I still mourn their passing. And I still use them in my work and for pleasure. A lot of people say they get things online and got rid of their old books for e-books. Not me, and I often think of myself as turning into a character out of FAHRENHEIT 451.
Mel-T-Pass Premium Member over 9 years ago
Thank you, GoComics’ main page alerts! I really like this. I just caught up on all the past pages and added SFOM to my comics page. This looks like a lot of fun; I hope you can keep up the M-F schedule.
Mad Sci over 9 years ago
Jon, the location headers are fun in themselves.
The name of Sciencemaster Van Deferens is certainly evocative for men of a certain age who’ve had, um, a certain procedure done.