Scenes from a Multiverse by Jon Rosenberg for October 16, 2015
Sciencemaster: Gunter. That show-boating hack! Clogging up the hypernet with his unprovable garbage. Templeton: Admit it. You luuuuuurve him. Sciencemaster: Gunter is a pox on the babyface of science! he shames all of us who serve the truth. Templeton: He's also the centerfold for "Notable Lips of Academia" this month. Sciencemaster: May the fetid corpse of our dear dead lord crap holy justice in his mouth. Bear: Now those are science lips.
jon creator over 9 years ago
Today’s alt text: “noam chomsky was the marilyn monroe of ‘notable lips of academia’, appearing in the very first issue”
Ida No over 9 years ago
Lips was a really good programming language.Whatever happened to it?
RickRussellTX over 9 years ago
It was replaced by Schreme