It would drive me crazy when the company owner would come in, telling us “It has to be done by Thursday!” My boss, a Vietnamese engineer educated in Taiwan, would shake his head, when I started protesting. He would say, “Sure, sure.” When the boss came back on Thursday, he would just say, “Monday.” and that would be it.
sagurufan over 4 years ago
vamos lá , senhora sandy!! voce está em uma ocasião no trabalho!
sagurufan over 4 years ago
a realidade as vezes diz -se como uma arma perigosa!
sagurufan over 4 years ago
é como ler um jornal no banco da pracinha!
sagurufan over 4 years ago
ler e reler e ser realista ….. uhm ! heheh!
sagurufan over 4 years ago
senhora sandy, é a primeira vez que vejo a senhora no trabalho!
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
It would drive me crazy when the company owner would come in, telling us “It has to be done by Thursday!” My boss, a Vietnamese engineer educated in Taiwan, would shake his head, when I started protesting. He would say, “Sure, sure.” When the boss came back on Thursday, he would just say, “Monday.” and that would be it.