La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 07, 2015
Bug Blog by Cuco Rocha Tres Por Uno Ted Cruz is the anti-immigrant Republican candidate. Ben Carson is the anti-black Republican candidate. Carly Fiorina is the anti-woman Republican candidate. People should vote for Donald Trump instead. He's all three! He's a great value.
braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago
Never mind who your choice might be:Do Republicans/Fox “news” viewers believe that any of the Republican candidates are even qualified to be president?
If you answer, please try to refrain from citing Hillary in your response.
57-Don over 9 years ago
Yeah that durn ol’ Obama all he did was get us out of the (Bush) recession, lower the unemployment rate, lower the deficit, get millions of uninsured people insured, preside over the country during the longest run of Wall Street gains ever and wait a minute there was something else…. Oh yeah he authorized the raid that eliminated Osama bin Laden and he did all this without any speck of help from the republican leadership in congress. Damn you Obama!
kaffekup over 9 years ago
And gas prices are approaching the level that bush needed a recession to accomplish.
face.less_b over 9 years ago
Let’s look at the History of non-politicians in Executive office. Jesse the body/mind Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger both stunningly successful. Their legislatures ate them alive. When Roosevelt put Joe Kennedy in charge of the newly formed SEC folks said it was putting a fox in charge of the hen house. He ended up creating a highly effective agency which subsequent administrations have eviscerated. To create change you need to find the right fox, one who knows the came and can play it against players.
braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago
Too tired to read all the way to the end?
ViscountNik over 9 years ago
As a Minnesotan, Jesse didn’t do that bad… and I voted for Hubert Humphrey. Jesse did a good overall job: got rid of a totally useless emission testing for cars, started Minneapolis down the mass transit path with a light rail system, got us our first permit to carry a firearm license and passed a monetary surplus back to us citizens with his “Jesse Checks”… wasn’t the best we had but good lord was he better than Pawlenty.
rekam Premium Member over 9 years ago
Doubt that very much.
agrestic over 9 years ago
Anyone of them more qualified than Obama or Hillary
So you’re voting for Bernie?
pam Miner over 9 years ago
Smart folks will vote for Bernie Sanders.