Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for October 05, 2015

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    yvantheterrible  over 9 years ago

    saw Clinton changing her depends

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Sorry to hear about your diabetes flairing up like that.

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  3. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago

    My sentiments exactly, the last Republican almost took down the country and I fear the next will take up the challenge of totally destroying it!

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    omglorraine  over 9 years ago

    She must’ve seen that people are actually planning on voting for Trump.

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    Retired Dude  over 9 years ago

    Please, Hector! Please, please Carlos!! Don’t start sticking your politics into the strip! Please.

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    chazandru  over 9 years ago

    I don’t see anyone to vote FOR on either side. But I may once again be forced to vote AGAINST one person or another. George Washington and Adams were right. Political parties are dividing and weakening the nation and money in politics is stealing the peoples’ ability to choose a candidate out of their hands. Sad.Respectfully,C.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I see now.

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    patlaborvi  over 9 years ago

    What gets me about Trump is how he went from the butt of the joke in Gremlins 2 (back in the early 90’s) to being a front runner for president 25 years later.

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    abbybookcase  over 9 years ago

    gracie’s right to be scared. i am too. and even more so after reading everybody’s comments

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    jbmlaw01  over 9 years ago

    I would be enthusiastic about Cruz or Jindal or Fiorina or Rubio or Carson. Assume I will just vote against somebody, as usual.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    mfhorn 4Unconvincing. I have lived under a socialist government. I had the highest standard of living, the highest buying power income, and the greatest personal freedom of my life. This was the “Chile of the north” as the CIA called it. Shortly after Watergate, its deposing featured: a burglary in which a party’s strategy documents turned up in the opposition party; minority party candidates were threatened with assassination if their vote was over the margin of victory, something that had never happened in a century; ballot boxes vanished in socialist strongholds, another thing that hadn’t occurred in a century; and no mass medium ever pointed out the parallels nor mentioned CIA.

    Your ad hominem does not match Sen. Sanders long record in public service, so is nothing more than playground name-calling.

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    Tandembuzz  over 9 years ago

    Actually, Socialists do quite well in European countries, and their populations tend to do well, as well. It’s only in the U.S. that Socialism is seen as some sort of evil.

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  13. Rachelalexandra
    TMO1 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Yes, this is a “be afraid, be very afraid” kind of election season. The biggest collection of sociopaths and mental defectives I’ve seen in my lifetime.

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  14. Bouncing moonwalker
    Anweir88  over 9 years ago

    And he claims to be a Nationalist as well… sort of a National Socialist…

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    Spade Jr.  over 9 years ago

    Last chance: one more needless effort at a political joke in this strip (regardless of slant) and you are minus a reader.The best, if only, way I have to fully express my annoyance in seeing a COMIC strip go political. If you can’t be funny without bringing politics into your non-editorial-page work, then you’ve lost me as a “customer.” (And remember, if you lose more and more customers, you are out of business!

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    mfhorn 4And you want all power in Wall Street. Your definition of “socialism” is strictly out of the USSR and its puppets, not anything a real socialist would claim. Socialism was a major party in the US from the 1880s, but the false equivalency with communism came well after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia..The mid-20th century essayist, Harry Golden, claimed (from personal experience) that the worst thing a communist soapbox orator (back when freedom of speech required only a soapbox and an American flag) dreaded, was a socialist heckler. Like Populists, they had done their homework, plus it was a bit difficult to accuse them of being “running dogs of Wall Street” when their party leader was in prison for the “crime” of calling a strike and opposing a war (the latter being the infamous “falsely shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater”).

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