The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for October 06, 2015

  1. Minime 100x100
    Linux0s  over 9 years ago

    And it only lasts 8 years.

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  2. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 9 years ago

    At thirty-three, he moves back home.

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  3. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  over 9 years ago


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  4. Dsc 0499
    CoffeeLvr  over 9 years ago

    No, he can’t find a job worthy of his degree. Fortunately my son was so adverse to moving back home with either of his parents, that he chopped wood, painted fences, drove a truck, and more with his shiny new BS in anthropology. Eventually got a steady job as a nurses aide, decided to get a BSN and went back to school on his on dime. RN’s make good money. I know he played plenty of video games too, but not on my couch. On the other hand, my 62 YO cousin is panicked because his 90 YO dad is moving to a Veteran’s home and selling the house.

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  5. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 9 years ago

    It is the “thirsty 33s” after he comes back home from a divorce and starts drinking

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  6. Beafraidmyspace
    saxie5  over 9 years ago

    The rule of my parents house after college graduation was the first 6 months were free, then they were charging me rent. Needless to say, I moved out after graduation!

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  7. Missing large
    Al Nala  over 9 years ago

    Makes a parent kinda like the idea of “the draft”.

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